Christian E. Vincenot

Since Octover 2022, I proudly jointed as Associate Professor the ranks of the University of Luxembourg (UNI.LU) where I lead the Complex Systems Lab. I also still maintain a group under my supervision in Japan (Kyoto University), where I was previously tenured assistant professor.
My main research interests lie in the development of Hybrid Mechanistic Simulation approaches based on Individual/Agent-Based Modeling, and in their applications to tackle ecological issues. I am also involved in the development of technologies (esp. apps, IoT, autonomous embedded systems) to support the collection of data on complex systems, such as cryptic processes and interactions in ecosystems, human-wildlife conflicts, or social interactions.
Beside this theoretical work, I am engaging in field research to improve our understanding of the ecology of threatened fruit bats on paleotropical islands (Ryukyus, New Caledonia, etc) and promote their conservation. I have created in 2014 the interdisciplinary Island Fruit Bat Research Group (IBRG) to mutualize these efforts.